
Flirting Test

Find out if someone is genuinely interested in you. This free test is based on the method developed by psychologist Jeffrey Hall and helps identify subtle signs of interest and attraction.

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

1. Does the person try to sit or stay physically closer to you during meetings or conversations?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

2. Do you notice the person making frequent eye contact with you during your interactions?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

3. Does the person smile genuinely and often while talking to you?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

4. Does the person lightly touch you (such as on the arm or shoulder) while you are together?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

5. Do you notice the person adjusting their posture or hair while speaking with you?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

6. Does the person try to prolong the conversation or find new topics to keep talking with you?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

7. Do you notice the person seems excited or enthusiastic when you are together?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

8. Does the person laugh at your jokes, even if they aren’t very funny?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

9. Do you notice the person mimicking your gestures or posture during the interaction?

Flirting Test
(In-Person Interactions)

10. Does the person appear nervous or show positive anxiety (such as fiddling with hands or objects) when near you?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

11. Does the person show genuine concern for you or your well-being?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

12. Does the person share personal details or intimate stories with you?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

13. Do you notice the person making specific compliments about you or something about your personality?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

14. Does the person seem interested in listening to and remembering details of your stories or experiences?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

15. Does the person talk about future plans or events and include you in those plans?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

16. Does the person try to create "inside jokes" or share special moments with you?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

17. Do you notice the person using a softer or more engaging tone of voice when talking to you?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

18. Does the person make an effort to help you, even with simple things?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

19. Do you notice the person highlighting commonalities between you, such as interests or experiences?

Flirting Test
(Emotional Interactions)

20. Does the person show enthusiasm when talking about you to others?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

21. Does the person frequently send messages to you and initiate conversations?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

22. Does the person respond quickly to your messages, even during busy moments?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

23. Do you notice the person frequently using emojis or affectionate forms of communication?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

24. Does the person consistently like or comment on your social media posts?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

25. Does the person share content or links they think you will find interesting?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

26. Does the person look for opportunities to start a conversation, even about trivial topics?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

27. Do you notice the person regularly sending you "good morning" or "good night" messages?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

28. Does the person use video or audio calls to communicate with you, even when messages would suffice?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

29. Does the person send photos or personal updates (such as about their day) to stay connected with you?

Flirting Test
(Digital Context)

30. Do you notice the person reacting positively or playfully to your messages, creating a more emotional connection?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

31. Does the person seem to find excuses to be in the same places as you?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

32. Does the person frequently invite you to events or social situations?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

33. Do you notice the person paying attention to small details about you, such as preferences or habits?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

34. Does the person become quieter or observe you more during social moments, suggesting a more reserved interest?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

35. Do you notice the person trying to impress you or stand out in social situations?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

36. Does the person suggest activities or outings they know you will enjoy?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

37. Does the person show enthusiasm when hearing your opinions or ideas, even if they are simple?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

38. Does the person try to make goodbyes more special, such as a "long hug" or "see you soon"?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

39. Does the person ask about your plans and show interest in fitting into them?

Flirting Test
(Contextual Interactions)

40. Do you notice the person using excuses to start interactions, such as asking something they could easily find out themselves?

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