
Logical Reasoning Test

Discover your ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Perfect for improving your decision-making in everyday life.
This test explores six themes: Inference, Recognition of Assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation, Evaluation of Arguments, and Analogies.

 Logical Reasoning Test

1. A survey indicates that 65% of people prefer using instant messaging apps over phone calls. John uses instant messaging apps.

 Logical Reasoning Test

2. A company reveals that 75% of its employees prefer to work remotely. Mary is an employee of this company.

 Logical Reasoning Test

3. A study concludes that people who exercise regularly have a higher chance of living longer. Peter exercises regularly.

 Logical Reasoning Test

4. Research shows that 90% of children love playing outdoors. Anna is a child.

 Logical Reasoning Test

5. A school reports that 80% of students who study in groups perform better academically. Luke studies in groups.

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Recognition of Assumptions)

6. Statement: "To stand out in the job market, it is essential to have a Master's degree."

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Recognition of Assumptions)

7. Statement: "Employees who arrive early to work are more productive."

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Recognition of Assumptions)

8. Statement: "Companies that invest in technology are more competitive."

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Recognition of Assumptions)

9. Statement: "All children need educational support to develop."

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Recognition of Assumptions)

10. Statement: "The best professionals are those who never give up."

 Logical Reasoning Test

11. Premises:
• All flowers are plants.
• Some plants require little water.
Conclusion: Some flowers require little water.

 Logical Reasoning Test

12. Premises:
• All cats are mammals.
• Some mammals are carnivorous.
Conclusion: All cats are carnivorous.

 Logical Reasoning Test

13. Premises:
• Some students read books every day.
• Everyone who reads books every day has a good vocabulary.
Conclusion: Some students have a good vocabulary.

 Logical Reasoning Test

14. Premises:
• All electric cars are silent.
• Some silent cars are expensive.
Conclusion: Some electric cars are expensive.

 Logical Reasoning Test

15. Premises:
• All athletes are disciplined.
• Some athletes are sprinters.
Conclusion: All sprinters are disciplined.

 Logical Reasoning Test

16. Text: "Research shows that people who sleep at least 7 hours per night have better cognitive performance."
Conclusion: Sleeping less than 7 hours impairs all cognitive abilities.

 Logical Reasoning Test

17. Text: "The inhabitants of city X consume more fruits than those of city Y."
Conclusion: City X has a healthier diet than city Y.

 Logical Reasoning Test

18. Text: "Companies that invest in technology experience higher growth rates."
Conclusion: A company’s growth depends exclusively on technology investment.

 Logical Reasoning Test

19. Text: "Students who study daily achieve better grades."
Conclusion: Studying daily is the only way to achieve good grades.

 Logical Reasoning Test

20. Text: "An increase in fuel prices usually leads to a decrease in consumption."
Conclusion: Whenever fuel prices rise, consumption decreases.

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Evaluation of Arguments)

21. Argument: "The government should invest more in education because it improves the population’s quality of life."
This argument is:

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Evaluation of Arguments)

22. Argument: "Young people should not use social media because it might distract them from their studies."

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Evaluation of Arguments)

23. Argument: "Companies that fail to adapt to new technologies quickly go bankrupt."
This argument is:

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Evaluation of Arguments)

24. Argument: "People who travel frequently are happier because they experience different cultures."
This argument is:

 Logical Reasoning Test
(Evaluation of Arguments)

25. Argument: "The use of plastic should be banned because it harms the environment."
This argument is:

 Logical Reasoning Test

26. Sun is to day as moon is to:

 Logical Reasoning Test

27. Dog is to bark as cat is to:

 Logical Reasoning Test

28. School is to learning as hospital is to:

 Logical Reasoning Test

29. Book is to reading as pen is to:

 Logical Reasoning Test

30. Key is to door as password is to:

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